This will act as a “home page” for both free and paid subs; you’ll find it pinned at There are 3 sections below: 1) Quick Value overview; 2) resources for free subs; and 3) resources for paid subs.
Quick Value
Each week, I’m doing a quick review of an idea on my watchlist with the following objectives:
Idea generation — The goal is to keep the new idea process churning by working the watchlist. These are meant to be a jumping off point for deeper research (i.e. a surface level review).
Format — I stick to a format similar to Steinhardt’s 4 questions: what they do, why it’s interesting, and what it’s worth. [Technically, Steinhardt’s were: the idea, consensus view, variant perception, and catalyst.]
Weekly posts — Covers 1 new idea each week and rotates between free and premium posts. Premium posts lean toward micro/small caps and special sits.
Coverage focus — You’ll see lots of special situations (including virtually every spin-off) and an emphasis on small caps.
Past ideas — Check out past ideas here to get a feel for what’s been covered.
I try to keep my watchlist updated frequently and will periodically share notes from it…
Free Stuff
Aside from the biweekly free posts highlighting a new Quick Value idea, these are links to some evergreen posts and other resources:
Philosophy & process — an outline covering my investment approach (philosophy, process, valuation, idea generation)
Research process — my process for researching a new idea (i.e. the steps I take in looking at stocks)
Bucket approach — my “bucket” approach to managing the portfolio (core, general, option)
Recent posts — a list of recent write-ups and investment ideas
My story — a recent podcast highlighting my personal work and business activities (building a HoldCo)
Members Only
There are 3 main aspects to the premium side of VDL (for now) — subscriber chat, portfolio recap, and active recommendations — as well as the paywalled biweekly investment write-ups.